C is for Chronic Fatigue Webinar (November 2020)

In November 2020 Colin and Stanford ran the third ABC for Yoga & Health webinar.

C was for Chronic Fatigue.

Here’s a short clip from the webinar:

Stanford - In modern medicine, diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be complicated, long-winded and well, just very tiring...Which is not helpful as those affected are exhausted already! In order to reach the diagnosis of the syndrome, it takes a long and tedious process with multiple medical personnel. Fortunately, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is uncommon; but what about the more common causes for tiredness? Are there simple medical explanations, or do they represent the constant struggle we face with expectations and pressure in modern day life?

Colin - In yoga, we look at Ojas. Ojas is the essence of the system that brings it strength. It is the ultimate product of digestion and is produced in every part of the body, but especially in the heart. When a person experiences chronic fatigue, their ojas is depleted. So, what causes this depletion? Beliefs, expectation and our relationship with ourselves, others and our environment can all play their part. In this webinar, we'll take a look at the many factors that can lead to chronic fatigue, what yoga philosophy can teach us and western medicine's most common responses.

We're thrilled to be running these webinars for free for you, if you’d like to attend one in the future register here…

Recommended Reading for Chronic Fatigue:

Colin Dunsmuir