How to Find Stillness Within is a therapeutic programme to help readers accept their flaws and discover a more fulfilling way of living, featuring a foreword by Cara Delevingne. Colin dispels the myth that yoga is just about movements, poses and wearing expensive leggings. Instead he explores how ancient yoga philosophy and teachings can easily be applied to and benefit all areas of our modern lives.
Whether you'd like to boost your mental and physical wellbeing, general health, or gain a supportive framework to help you to overcome difficult situations that you're facing in life, this book can help.
The book will take deep, spiritual yogic learnings and adapt them for a modern life and audience. Colin will provide you with accessible, easy-to-follow tips on: Breathing, Meditation, Movement, Diet and Connection with others.
About the Author
Bernard Bouanchaud first became fascinated by Eastern wisdom when working as an architect and interior designer in Iran in the early 1960’s. Upon returning to France, in 1966, Bernard spent the next ten years immersed in the study of yoga in Paris. It was at this time that he first met T.K.V. DESIKACHAR. This meeting became a defining moment of Bernard’s life and began a period of regularly study in Chennai, where he went to learn from this respected Indian Professor and disciple of T. KRISHNAMACHARYA - his father and the great contemporary yogi, who died in 1989 at the age of 101. These studies focused on the postures, the breathing techniques, the therapeutic application of the practices, and the fundamental texts of yoga.
Upon becoming a yoga teacher, and then a teacher trainer and lecturer, Bernard continued his studies as closely as possible to their Indian sources. An author of many books on yoga, he now spends his time between writing, private teaching, and the training of yoga teachers.
The message that he wants to pass on in simple: to live and share serenity here and now, in family, professional and social life.